Uncovering Insights Through UX Research And Consulting

SearchLight is helping businesses make informed decisions, enhance customer experiences, gain a competitive edge, optimize operations and drive innovation through insights.

Insights are deep understandings and valuable perspectives derived from data, research, and analysis. They go beyond surface-level findings, providing meaningful interpretations and actionable recommendations.

Insights play a crucial role at the intersection of business and technology. In today’s data-driven world, businesses can leverage technology to collect vast amounts of data from various sources. However, without the ability to derive insights from this data, it remains untapped potential. Insights help bridge the gap by transforming raw data into actionable knowledge that drives business decisions and strategy.

Technology enables businesses to collect, store, and analyze data more efficiently than ever before. Through advanced analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, businesses can uncover valuable insights at scale, gaining a competitive edge. Insights derived from technology can guide product development, enhance customer experiences, optimize operations, and inform marketing strategies.


Hello! I am Karin, the person behind SearchLight – Uncovering Insights. I am an empathetic UX Researcher, Scrum Queen and Digital Tool Consultant with experience in agile project management and research. Improving products by delivering valuable insights through an understanding of user needs, pain points and goals, helping agile teams to increase their productivity through consulting and implementing the necessary tools/software for your organisation to succeed. In addition to emphasizing with users, I am passionate about food and travel. Working remotely allows me to experience both around the world.

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